Alexander Strachan
( 1774 - 1850 )
A.J. Strachan registered his first mark as a small worker at Goldsmiths ' Hall on 21 September 1799 when he was living at 30 Long Acre in London . He had moved to 7 Mercer Street , Long Acre , by 1803 and moved again to 124 Long Acre in 1828. His Sun insurance policy of 1824 describes him as “ Jeweller and Engine Turner ” . He appears to have been the principal supplier of gold boxes to the royal goldsmiths , Rundell , Bridge and Rundell , but he also supplied the retailers Thomas Holland and Coward and Smith . In 1826 he acquired a house , Vine Cottage , Cromwell Lane , Old Brompton . He retired to Brighton in 1839 and nine years later he applied to the Goldsmiths ' Company for a grant since , with “ the falling away of business he was obliged to retire with very little property ” . According to contemporary documents his surname was pronounced “ Strawn ' . MARK AJS