
A George II Silver Coffee Pot

Paul de Lamerie

A George IV Silver-Gilt Tea and Coffee Set

John Bridge

A magnificent George II Rococo Coffee Pot

John Swift

An Irish Side-Handled George II Coffee Pot

A George II kettle, stand and lamp in the Chinoiserie taste

William Grundy

A Five Piece Tea and Coffee Service

A George II Silver Tea Caddy Set with Fitted Box

Samuel Taylor

The Carruther's Tea Urn

Paul Storr

An Incredibly Rare Parcel-Gilt Novelty Four-Piece Victorian Tea Service

An Exceptional Rococo Coffee Pot

Frederick Kandler

A Fine Kettle on Stand

John White

An Ashburnham Pattern Five piece Tea & Coffee Service

John Samuel Hunt

A Paul Storr Kettle on Burner

Paul Storr

A Paul Storr Coffee Jug on Stand

Paul Storr

A 19th Century Three-Piece Bamboo Tea Service

A Fine Chocolate Pot

Fuller White

A Swirling Fluted Jug

Francis Butty

A Swirling Fluted Kettle on Stand

Robert Garrard II

A Fruitwood Handle Coffee Pot

James Young & Orlando Jackson