
Charles Fox

A Silver-Gilt Mounted Claret Jug

Charles Fox

A Silver-Gilt Mounted Claret Jug

London, 1856
Maker’s mark of Charles & George Fox

With Box. 

Height: 29.5 cm, 11.6 in.

The silver-gilt mount engraved with a contemporary coat-of-arms. The glass body etched and engraved with anthemion.

No record of apprenticeship or freedom. First mark entered as plateworker, signed Charles Fox Jnr., 19 February 1822. Address: 139 Old Street. Second mark, 27 January 1823. Third, 21 August 1823. Fourth, 23 September 1823. Fifth, 10 December 1823. Sixth, 9 May 1838. His work shows consistently high quality.

On the retirement of Charles Fox II the family business was taken over by his sons Charles Thomas Fox (born 1801) and George Fox (born 1816). They entered conjoined marks in 1841 and 1843. Charles Thomas Fox retired from the firm in 1860 and George Fox continued running the firm entering his own mark in 1861. Other marks were entered in 1869 and 1891. After the death of George Fox his son Robert Frederick Fox (born 1845) continued the trade as C.T. & G Fox entering his own mark in 1910. The firm closed down in 1921. The firm of C.T. & G. Fox was established probably in 1801 as Turner & Fox; it was run by Charles Thomas Fox (c. 1801-72) and George Fox (c.1816-1910) from 1841. C.T. Fox retired at the end of December 1860, leaving George Fox as sole partner. C.T. & G. Fox are known for their 'novelty' silverwares, often copying historical models. Interestingly George Fox had worked as a shopman or salesman for Rundell Bridge & Rundell for thirty-seven years and kept a personal history of the firm. No doubt having learned so much from this great retail firm, it must have stood the Fox’s in good stead when starting their own business

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