
John Houle

( 1784 - 1850 )

A Near Pair of ‘Rococo’ Soup Tureens

John Houle

( 1784 - 1850 )

A Near Pair of ‘Rococo’ Soup Tureens

London, 1838 -1840
Maker’s mark of John Houle

One tureen with a full coat of arms, the other with Viscount’s coronet and crest.

Length: 43 cm, 16.9 in. 
Weight: 7,160g, 230 oz 4 dwt


John Houle established the business of manufacturing silversmiths c.1811 at 24 Red Lion Street, Clerkenwell, who was listed until 1843 as a silversmith or working silversmith. His two sons, Daniel John Houle and Charles Houle joined him at the same address, after which the firm is listed for one year only in 1844 as John, Daniel and Charles Houle, and then from 1845 until 1884 under the style of Daniel and Charles Houle, otherwise Daniel and Charlesn Houle, silversmiths.

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