
Isaac Dighton

( 1707 )

A Superb Queen Anne Monteith Bowl

Isaac Dighton

( 1707 )

A Superb Queen Anne Monteith Bowl

London, 1703
Maker’s mark of Isaac Dighton

Weight 82oz
Height 8.75 in / 24.76 cm
Diameter 12 1/2in / 31.75cm

Bearing the family coat-of-arms and crest of Finch

Isaac, son of Henry Dighton of Bristol, gentleman, apprenticed to William Browne, Citizen and Haberdasher, on 26 May 1665, becoming free by service on 7 June 1672. He does not appear to have been fined by the Goldsmiths' Company for substandard goods during his career. For the 1692 Poll Tax, he was assessed in Saddlers Hall and Gutter Lane Precinct, with a wife, two menservants, a maidservant and a further unidentified servant. He paid the excess of 1os per quarter, as his estate was worth more than £300. For the 4s Aid of 1694, Captain Isaac Dighton had a rack rent of £24 and stocks of £100. In 1697, he registered a largeworker's mark for the Britannia Standard with an address in Gutter Lane. In 1703, he signed the Petition against Foreigners seeking freedom by redemption.

He was buried at St Vedast, Foster Lane on 28 February 1707. Isaac Dighton bound five apprentices in the Haberdashers' Company between 1673 and 1684. Two of them became free, Henry Denham and John Smithsends, with the latter registering a largeworker's mark in 1697.

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