
Daniel Pontifex

A George III Honey Skep

Daniel Pontifex

A George III Honey Skep

London, 1803
Maker’s mark of Daniel Pontifex

Height: 12 cm, 4.7 in
Weight: 360 g, 11 oz 11 dwt

The honey pot realistically modelled as a beehive with an entrance to the hive chased into the side. The cover with a ‘Queen Bee’ finial. The detachable bayonet fitting drop bottom with a glass liner to the interior.

No record of apprenticeship or freedom. First mark entered as plateworker, in partnership with William Fountain (q.v.), 19 July 1791. Address: 13 Hosier Lane, West Smithfield. Partnership apparently dissolved by 1 September 1794, when Fountain entered a seperate mark. Second mark alone, 10 September 1794, same address. Moved to 8 St. John's Square, Clerkenwell, 1 April 1811. Heal records the partnership as above and Pontifex alone, both same dates; and the Pontifex and Fountain, silversmiths, same address, 1796. His work, particularly fine silver-gilt dessert dishes and baskets show a high standard of execution and delicacy of design.

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